A luxury play party for sapphics to be deliciously guided into the art of queer pleasure Imagine a safe & loving space where you're deliciously guided into deeper relationship with your body, your sexuality and your pleasure. Takes place September 27th.

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  • 1xPussy Play Party$0

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  • Preferred option
    Pay in Full ($299)$299.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (3x $100.00)3x $100.00

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By enrolling in the Divine Pleasure program, you agree to these terms, so please read them carefully.

1. The Program
Divine Pleasure spans 8 weeks and includes various audio content, guided exercises, rituals, and interactive components in a telegram chat. You will receive new content weekly, creating a gradual and immersive learning experience.

2. Payment Options
We offer two payment options:
Pay in Full: A one-time payment for the entire program.
Payment Plan: A series of smaller payments made over time.
Choose the option that works best for you. Please note that due to the nature of the program and the depth of the content and transmission all payments are non-refundable.
3. Confidentiality
The program may involve sharing personal experiences and stories in the telegram chat. We ask that you respect the confidentiality of other participants. Please do not share any information from the program outside of the designated spaces. This creates a safe and supportive environment for everyone.
4. Intellectual Property
All content within the Divine Pleasure program, including text, audio and graphics, is the intellectual property of Divine Pleasure or its licensors. You are welcome to use the content for personal growth, but you may not reproduce, share or distribute it without written permission.
5. Disclaimer
The Divine Pleasure program is intended for personal growth and education. It is not a substitute for professional therapy or medical advice. Please consult a professional if you have any concerns about your health or well-being.
6. Changes to the Program
We may need to update or modify the program from time to time. If we make significant changes, we'll let you know. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding.
7. Contact Us
If you have any questions or need assistance, we're here to help. You can reach us at teamevelynsparks@gmail.com, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
By enrolling in Divine Pleasure, you agree to these terms and conditions. We can't wait to start this journey with you! Let's dive into a transformative and empowering experience together.
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

"Hi Jordy, I just wanted to let you know what a fantastic job you did facilitating the other night! Thinking about how everyone was feeling when they arrived, and how you got everyone feeling so comfortable and confident was amazing. I've been recommending the PPP to everyone for when you have your next one! I hope you feel so proud of yourself and the community you're creating."

Past PPP Participant

"Jordy - I'm lying here in bed, naked & totally at ease, in a way that feels so natural and so...obvious? Like I've always done it. I can't explain to you how huge this is for me after so many years of hating and hiding my body. I was so self conscious, devoting more time to concealing and shrinking myself than I did to anything else in my life. You've helped me build so much safety and liberation. I feel like I'm now allowed to take up space in the world. I bared my tummy and spread my legs in front of 30 people AND felt beautiful while doing it! Thank you!!"

Past PPP Participant
Facilitated By: Jordana Ezra 

Jordana is a certified Somatic Sexologist who predominately works in the LGBTIA+ community. As someone who grew up not feeling safe to be queer and feeling deeply disgusted with their own pussy, Jordana has dedicated their career to learning, understanding and guiding pussy owners to feel safe in their bodies, alive in their sexuality and fully in love with their pussy so that they can experience the full spectrum of pleasure thats available to them. They combine ancient teachings, neuroscience and a combination of tools with a highly attuned intuition in a holistic approach to awaken our sexuality, integrate blockages and heal through the avenue of pleasure. Jordy endeavors to make all of their events inclusive and encourages femmes, non binary babes and anyone to that identifies as a women to join these events. They are a devotee of pussy and everything that they create is built on a foundation of deeply honoring that temple.

 We know how intimidating it can be to dive into the world of sapphic connection, and we also know how empowering it can be to enter a vortex of queer vulva owners, feeling safe to soften into the art of worshipping one another. 

 This is why we're hosting the Pussy Play Party, a space for guidance and play where luxury vibes and safety are at the forefront, where you get to meet your queer innocence and erotic power in ways that feel so nourishing, and deeply empowering. Imagine walking away feeling electric from an evening of queer worship (think queer temple vibes).

 There will be opportunities to connect with yourself and others in beautiful, intimate and deeply erotic ways. We will also teach massage techniques and communication exercises that will enhance your queer experiences x We are so excited to be bringing this seductive sapphic event to you~ can't wait for you to walk away oozing with magnetism, satisfaction, and your pure true power x

The PUSSY PLAY PARTY is first and foremost an invitational event. What we mean by this is that the whole night will be an invitation for you to connect with your body, listen to your authentic cues and honor your pulse of desire. 
 This is an opportunity to be guided through every step that it takes to melt deeply into the experience of pussy worship. The night will begin with self worship, with a practice to illuminate your internal safety and come into your center ~ this will be a moment for yourself, to honor your body, connect with your heart, and soften into your pussy. 

 We will then continue to ripple and expand the experience of safety within ourselves and each other through a series of connection, consent and communication practices so that you feel empowered to articulate what is true for you and so that you can remain in your power throughout the evening. You will then be guided deeper into the silky erotic nature of pussy worship - this will come in a few different ways (some of them we're keeping a surprise), but we will be demonstrating a tantric pussy massage sequence that you will have the opportunity to explore. 

 The intention behind creating this experience is for you to explore the luxurious edges of queer pussy worship. This could mean connecting deeply with your heart and yourself, and it could also mean exploring your eros consensually with other queer hotties there. This will def have a temple vibe but it will be a little more guided and drippppping with so much safety. This is a space for you to play, to be seen and witnessed in your sexuality, your sensuality, your turn on and ofc your authentic queer expression! It's a night completely devoted to pussy - completely. 

 And honestly boo, we get it, this is defs an edge! its a space to demystify queer pleasure and feel deep in your bones the true reverence for pussy! Which actually IS KEY to experiencing incredible queer sex. If you are reading this and are slightly curious about coming - we invite you to lean into that… knowing that this space will be facilitated in a trauma informed manner with safety as the foundation. We can't wait to meet you there and start co creating erotic lesbian experiences that leave us hydrated and dripping in self love x 